Navdata wins 80 Javad GNSS reference station receiver procurement to Swepos


Navdata has been awarded a contract to supply 80 Javad GNSS reference station receivers with 40 Javad D-M Choke Ring antennas to SWEPOS RTK/VRS network. This is in addition to the 32 reference receivers delivered in August 2015 in accordance to the frame agreement between Navdata and Swedish Lantmäteriet. Navdata Oy has in previous years supplied over 450 Javad GNSS reference receivers to SWEPOS. The Javad GNSS receiver is especially suitable for the reference station use due to its scientific accuracy and configurability.
29.06.2023Navdata uusi osoite / new address
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11.12.2015Navdata wins 80 Javad GNSS reference station receiver procurement to Swepos

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